Divorce Mediation Online Course | Duration: 14:30 – 18:30 | 40-hours

Click here to register | 07 - 18 July 2025 | Duration: 14:30 - 18:30 Click here to register 15 - 26 September 2025 | Duration: 14:30 - 18:30
Intensive ten-day online course for the Legal Profession | 40-hours
Learn the techniques to develop a reputation for skilled, cost-efficient resolution of client problems

About this Course

This ten-day course deals specifically with divorce mediation. Divorce mediation requires practitioners who are personable, articulate and who have good listening skills. For effective mediation, it is also advantageous if the practitioner has practical experience in working with divorcing couples.
Whether you wish to practice as a mediator or be in a position to advise your clients or represent them at mediations, you will benefit greatly from attending the course.


In recent times, Alternative Dispute Resolution is becoming more popular as a means to resolve divorce and family disputes. It is in the interest of legal practitioners to familiarise themselves with the process and techniques of mediation.

The Law Society of South Africa’s (LSSA’s) Legal Education and Development (LEAD) division’s mediation courses are primarily designed to prepare legal practitioners and candidate legal practitioners to be mediators and to advise clients on the mediation process.

Course presentation

Success in today’s legal environment requires mastering a variety of techniques to help clients achieve a cost-effective solution to their disputes. The course presenters are experienced, practising mediators and the teaching methodology will essentially be learning-by-doing, which will include working through case studies. The training is intensive and demanding and requires hard work and dedication. This course is presented in English only.

Outline of programme

Success in today’s legal environment requires mastering a variety of techniques to help clients achieve a cost-effective solution to their disputes. The programme will include:

•    General introduction to mediation and legal background – the effects of divorce on adults and children.
•    Basic communication skills.
•    The agreement to mediate.
•    Stages in the mediation process.
•    Specific issues, such as confidentiality, side meetings, dealing with deadlock and manipulation.
•    Setting the agenda.
•    Focusing on the children, including parenting plans, and the children’s participation in the mediation process.
•    Financial implications of divorce – dealing with issues of maintenance and distribution of assets and liabilities.
•    Domestic violence.
•    Memorandum of Understanding.
•    Legal ethics.

The 40hr Divorce Mediation Training has been officially accredited by the National Accreditation Board of Family Mediators. This accreditation demonstrates that the course offered by LSSA meets the standards of quality and rigor set forth by the NABFAM National Standards.

Dates and times

07 – 18 July 2025 | Duration: 14:30 – 18:30
08 – 19 September 2025 | Duration: 14:30 – 18:30


IMPORTANT: Participants are required to attend the full ten-day course and comply with all assessment requirements in order to receive a Certificate of Successful Completion/Attendance.

Additional requirements for candidate legal practitioners and others: To receive the Certificate of Successful Completion/Attendance, participants must pass a separate online multiple-choice assessment on Civil Procedure. Knowledge of Civil Procedure is a requirement in terms of the standards for Court-Annexed Mediation set by the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development. Candidate legal practitioners registered at LEAD should use the High Court Practice and Magistrate’s Court Practice training guides to study for the test. Other participants will be expected to purchase the LEAD training guides.

Who should register?

All candidate legal practitioners and legal practitioners, especially (but not exclusively) those involved in divorce litigation. Registration will be confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis.


Registration fee (including VAT):

·         Practising legal practitioners: R 5 400 per person

·         Candidate legal practitioners and support staff: R 4 270 per person

·         Non-practising legal practitioners/others: R 7 950 per person

Confirmation of attendance will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Register as soon as possible to secure your space.

How to register
Kindly note that you can only register online and that there are limited places available. Participants should be registered individually to enable the system to generate a unique username and password for each person.
STEP 1:Payment should be made by electronic funds transfer (EFT) only. You are required to upload the proof of payment (PDF) in step 2 – (Online registration form).

LSSA banking details: Account name: Law Society of South Africa | Bank: FNB Pretoria | Branch code: 251445 | Account no: 6200 9641 079 | Reference: Initials, surname, cell Number


Click on the intake link (date) to register

07 – 18 July 2025 | Duration: 14:30 – 18:30


15 – 26 September 2025 | 
Duration: 14:30 – 18:30  

Once you have successfully registered to participate, you will receive confirmation that we have received your registration documentation. Confirmation of attendance will be on a first-come, first-served basis.Although the registration closes one week prior to the commencement of the course, this course is usually fully booked by the registration deadline. Therefore, early registration is recommended
For more information about this course contact Molalatladi Modiba:

Email: Andries@LSSALEAD.ORG.ZA | Please note we only communicate via e-mail should you need more information.

Please take note

  • The LSSA will not accept liability if fees are not paid into the designated LSSA bank account.
  • Course registration will be confirmed only if proof of payment is attached to the registration form.
  • Registrations close 48 hours prior to the event dates. No registrations will be accepted thereafter without
    written approval from LEAD.
  • LEAD reserves the right to cancel a learning activity should the number of delegates not justify the costs involved.
  • Registered delegates will be given reasonable notice of cancellation.
  • To cancel a registration, the delegate should e-mail annelie@LSSALEAD.org.za at least 48 hours before the
    start of the event to avoid being liable for the full fee. Refunds must be claimed in writing within 15 business days after cancellation or will be forfeited.
LEAD’s training offers

LEAD is one of the largest providers of legal and professional education in South Africa and has been accredited as a legal education provider by the Legal Practice Council. LEAD provides access to quality learning that is relevant, accessible and affordable. LEAD offers an extensive range of learning activities and training options.

Course Dates

Registration fee (including VAT):

  • Practising legal practitioners: R 5 400 per person
  • Candidate legal practitioners and support staff: R 4 270 per person
  • Non-practising legal practitioners/others: R 7 950 per person

